China bans free plastic bags at all stores in efforts to tackle a significant source of litter. The Chinese use up to 3 billion plastic shopping bags per day. Can you believe that worldwide only 1-3% of plastic bags end up getting recycled?
It takes 10,000 barrels of oil to manufacture 100 million plastic bags. So, this means not only a dramatic cut in litter and consumerism but also a significant reduction in greenhouse gases released by China that cause Global Warming.
Now, the Chinese will form new habits and bring their enviornmental resuseable bags to the supermarket and when shopping, if they do not want to get charged. They will be encouraged to use clothbags and baskets to hold their vegetables.
What you can do is to be sure to reduce, reuse and recylce your plastic bags. And ask for paper bags at the supermarket not plastic or better yet bring your own cloth bag , like over a Billion people are doing in China.
Other places where plastic bags are banned:
South Africa, Uganda, Bangladesh and in San Francisco, California where plastic bags are outlawed at checkout in supermarkets.
Bravo les chinois!
Bianca! I was so happy to meet you last night and think this blog is so cool! Well done--now I know where to go when I'm bored at work and want to fill my head with interesting facts and not mind-numbing tabloid trash. :)
I can't find your email on here but mine is
Hope to see you very soon!
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